Engagement does not happen overnight. It is a way of managing differently, and the process is continuous. This guide serves as a step-by-step tool to help you work with leaders and managers to strategically increase engagement in your organization. Think of it as “engagement in a box”, with simple and easy-to-understand action items including how to access survey data, interpret results, work with leaders and managers, develop action plans, remain accountable on engagement planning, and more.
Working with Unit/School/Division Leader
Note: Consider reviewing the comment details function in the text analytics section of the survey, which provides additional insight. Here, you’ll be able to see if certain topics are coming up frequently in the data. For more specifics on how to analyze the text, click here or visit ‘Gallup Survey Tools’ in the ‘Quick Tools’ section of the guide.
Review your unit’s two highest and lowest ranking items as identified by Gallup. These are based on mean percentile rank and engagement hierarchy position.
Highest Scoring Items:
Lowest Scoring Items:
What do the results say about the unit’s relationships, communication style, and problem solving?
NOTE: Use the heatmap to quickly identify some of these trends and patterns. In addition, pay attention to the frequency distribution of the questions and review the text analytics. For more information on how to run a heat map, click here or go to ‘Gallup Survey Tools’ under ‘Quick Tools’.
NOTE: If working with a manager/leader without unit-wide oversight, follow the steps in the manager and supervisor engagement planning guide instead of these steps.